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Found 2 books, showing 1 to 2.
1. 101 Dalmatians
101 Dalmatians
2015, Hachette.
ISBN: 9781908648822.
Pictorial laminated boards.
Short-text version of the story, from the Disney film.
Very good condition.
#105617   £1.00   
2. Les Cinq et le Galion D'Or by Claude Voilier
Les Cinq et le Galion D'Or
By Claude Voilier
Illustrator Jean Sidobre.
1st edition, 1974, Hachette.
Bibliotheque Rose.
A continuation of the Famous Five series, originally written in French and later translated into English as 'The Famous Five and the Golden Galleon'.
Small octavo.
Laminated pictorial covers.
Very good condition.
#70906   £6.50