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Found 13 books, showing 1 to 13.
1. Coriander's Easter Adventure by Ingrid Ostheeren
Coriander's Easter Adventure
By Ingrid Ostheeren
Illustrator Jean Pierre Corderoch.
1992, North South Books.
#56004   £6.50   
2. Dreamer, the Star Beetle by Milos Sidjanski
Dreamer, the Star Beetle
By Milos Sidjanski
Illustrator Frank Ruprecht.
Reprint, 1994, North South Books.
ISBN: 1558583033.
Translated from the German by Rosemary Lanning.
Pictorial laminated boards.
Appears to be unread.
Fine condition.
#99866   £4.00   
3. Hubert and the Apple Tree by Bruno Hachler
Hubert and the Apple Tree
By Bruno Hachler
Illustrator Albert Rissler.
1st Thus edition, 2000, North South Books.
ISBN: 0735812187.
27cm x 27cm.
A Michael Neugebauer Book.
Fine condition.
#103777   £5.00   
4. Jonathan Mouse by Ingrid Ostheeren
Jonathan Mouse
By Ingrid Ostheeren
Illustrator Agnes Mathieu.
1st edition, 1985, North South Books.
Translated from the French by Rosemary Lanning.
Laminated pictorial covers.
One or two pages a little creased.
Good condition.
#67505   £6.50   
5. Jonathan Mouse at the Circus by Ingrid Ostheeren
Jonathan Mouse at the Circus
By Ingrid Ostheeren
Illustrator Agnes Mathieu.
1st edition, 1988, North South Books.
Endpapers slightly spotted.
Very good condition.
#68739   £7.50   
6. Little Polar Bear and the Brave Little Hare by Hans de Beer
Little Polar Bear and the Brave Little Hare
By Hans de Beer
Illustrator Hans de Beer.
1st English edition, 1998, North South Books.
ISBN: 0735810117.
Laminated pictorial covers.
Fine condition.
#74728   £7.50   
7. The Beast and the Boy by Massimo Mostacchi
The Beast and the Boy
By Massimo Mostacchi
Illustrator Monica Miceli.
1st English edition, 1995, North South Books.
ISBN: 1558584439.
Translated from the German by Andrew Clements.
Pictorial laminated boards.
A Michael Neugebauer Book.
Appears to be new and unread.
Fine condition.
#99899   £6.00   
8. The Flying Fir Tree by Kazuyuki Kitamura
The Flying Fir Tree
By Kazuyuki Kitamura
Illustrator Sophie Heilporn.
1st English edition, 1987, North South Books.
ISBN: 0200729098.
Laminated pictorial covers.
Very good condition.
#33737   £6.00   
9. The Gold at the End of the Rainbow by Wolf Hanel
The Gold at the End of the Rainbow
By Wolf Hanel
Illustrator Loek Koopmans.
1st edition, 1977, North South Books.
Pictorial laminated covers.
Translated by Anthea Bell.
Fine condition.
#63422   £7.50   
10. The Secret of Trembleton Hall by Ursula and Gisela Durr
The Secret of Trembleton Hall
By Ursula and Gisela Durr
Illustrator Ursula and Gisela Durr.
1st Thus edition, 1995, North South Books.
ISBN: 1558584331.
Pictorial laminated boards.
A Michael Neugebauer Book.
Appears to be as-new and unread.
Fine condition.
#99904   £6.00   
11. The Stranger by Ursel Scheffler
The Stranger
By Ursel Scheffler
Illustrator Jutta Timm.
1st English edition, 1994, North South Books.
ISBN: 1558583122.
Translated from the German by Rosemary Lanning.
Pictorial laminated boards.
Appears to be new and unread.
Fine condition.
#99892   £4.00   
12. Tommy's New Sister by Gerda Marie Scheidl
Tommy's New Sister
By Gerda Marie Scheidl
Illustrator Christa Unzner.
1st edition, 1999, North South Books.
ISBN: 0735810567.
Laminated pictorial covers.
Very good condition.
#52069   £5.00   
13. Tommy's New Sister by Gerda Marie Scheidl
Tommy's New Sister
By Gerda Marie Scheidl
Illustrator Christa Unzner.
1st edition, 1999, North South Books.
#59626   £5.00